Basic qualification and designation criteria

The basic qualification and designation criteria of persons of distinguished service to science and technology are as follows:
- Basic qualification
A person in science and technology who performed or is performing R&D and/or technological innovation activities in the area of natural science, engineering, etc. or related interdisciplinary integration
※ In the case of a deceased person, restricted to those who died after the establishment of the Korean government - Designation criteria
- A person who created economic value or contributed to the enhancement of competitiveness of related industries by developing new technology or improving technology
- A person who solved a social problem or contributed to the enhancement of people's quality of life by developing new technology or improving technology
- A person who developed a research area or prepared the academic foundations of the area through a new discovery or discovering a new principle
- A person who accomplished original and leading academic performance in an area by winning an internationally renowned award in science and technology, etc.
- A person with a distinguished contribution to the development of science and technology in an area which has great public benefit by performing a long process of R&D and/or technological innovations
- Other persons who are deemed by the Minister of Science and ICT to have contributed to the development of science and technology to the same level of a person stated in the five categories above, via developing policies on science and technology
(Article 5, Enforcement decree of the Act on the honorable treatment of and support for persons of distinguished service to science and technology)
※ However, those who fall in any of the items 1 to 4 of Article 79 (1) of the Act on the honorable treatment of, and support for, persons of distinguished service to the state are excluded from the designation.
Procedures of examination
The designation goes through a fair and rigid verification process, focusing on lifetime achievements to designate and discover a person of distinguished service to science and technology so that people may feel empathy toward the program.